Kung Fu of 8 Drunkards (1980) Review

kung fu of 8 drunkards dvd cover

Rating: 2 out of 5

Director: Wu Ma

Year: 1980


“Kung Fu of 8 Drunkards” is a martial arts movie from 1970. The movie has a plot that follows Chang Fung, a martial arts student that is studying under a drunken master. His master has made enemies through his life and a gang of warriors show up to kill him. Chang must defend his master and use drunken kung fu to fight back.


If you have been reading my reviews, you know that I often look at the transfer at first. The transfer is lower end VHS quality on this one, and the dub is louder than the alternating sounds at times. The lighting is way bright, and the contrast is also, making it an interesting watch, as though someone is throwing on a brightness to your screen. That doesn’t take away from the action, but it’s noticeable on the DVD I watched.

We are introduced to our main character, training in drunken style kung fu, and there’s a bit of comedy throughout. The drunk is interesting, and teaches in an unorthodox way. The music is comical, and the lessons are too, making for an entertaining bit of progression for the movie.

The general plot is that our main teacher has some debts to be repaid and our hero must fight off the warriors that come after him to collect. However, to get there, and to see that, there are multiple smaller stories that have nothing to do with that progression. For instance, there’s a random tournament of fighters, there’s a scene where one of our character pees on a wall, there’s some stealing going on, and just random sequences that don’t necessarily move the plot along but are there for filler.

The majority of the brawling aside from the tournament fight is due to the drunkards having enemies that are looking for him. That kind of moves the plot along, but for the most part it’s convoluted. You have to throw away your notebook on this one, and just watch some funny moments, as there is comedy mixed into a variety of the scenes.

“Kung Fu of 8 Drunkards” is not that fun to watch. Sure, there are comedic moments, and the plot is thin enough for you to take a little nap to, but there’s a lot missing in this one. I found myself a little bored at times, but I stuck with it. I did appreciate the brawling, especially the last fight which is always a good sign with these type of movies, but it just isn’t enough to save it as a whole. With that in mind, I have to lower the rating some, even though there’s enough kung fu to make it watchable. I guess I’m of two minds when it comes to “Kung Fu of 8 Drunkards”. I give this a rating of 2 out of 5.

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