Duel of the Dragon (1979) Review

duel of the dragon dvd cover

Rating: 3 out of 5

Director: Chung Ting

Year: 1979


“Duel of the Dragon” is also known as “Of Cooks and Kung fu” and follows a simple storyline at first, then branches the path a little to showcase kung fu. The main story features a grandfather teaching his grandson “Cooking Kung Fu”, so we see a lot of training montages, and comedic moments. One of which includes our main hero catching fish to prove his kung fu style and cooking style mesh well. It’s a hilarious little segment and breaks up the main story alongside other quick moments. There is a side story that encapsulates everything in which a villain is killing the emperor’s cooks, and that leads to some good overall sequences too, but it seems to be part of the story not the main one, but definitely a side one that gets bigger with time.


Our main hero tries hard to mimic Jackie Chan, and that’s not a bad thing. He works well with kung fu, acrobatics, and comedy, which lends itself well to the film. The edition I saw wasn’t upgraded at all, so it’s the original VHS cut, and the film grain is still there, not really updated at all. The story is convoluted, and meanders a bit before getting to the final fight which is really worth checking out. Other than that, “Duel of the Dragon” really doesn’t hold a lot of weight, with the exception of introducing a cooking style of kung fu, which is entertaining overall. The training montages, and the comedic elements mix well for an entertaining romp, though it lacks in storytelling at times. Don’t expect an all out brawl of a movie, as there is a lot of comedic dialogue that comes through. There’s comedy, there’s kung fu, and there’s a lot of fun to be had, giving this a rating of 3 out of 5.

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