Dance of the Drunken Mantis (1979) Review

dvd cover of dance of the drunken mantics

Rating: 4 out of 5

Director: Yuen Woo-Ping

Year: 1979


The basic plot is Sam the Seed has to fight Rubber Legs to prove superiority of Drunken Manti Style overall. There’s a drinking and fighting contest involved, and that’s the crux of the film’s plot overall.

Aside from that, you are treated to fight sequences and different stories regarding the drunken master and his tomfoolery. As well as the villain, so you aren’t just stuck with one storyline throughout, you get a few plots working together to make the film entertaining. Some of these scenes are played for comedy, so you can get a break from the seriousness of kung fu, and enjoy a little banter and acrobatics to say the least.


First and foremost, the digital transfer is great on this DVD if you can find it. It’s not expensive. The upgraded DVD is well worth your time, and it looks almost like Blu Ray, from the edition that I received. The fighting from the beginning is crisp, and throughout really puts on a showcase of power. I was impressed with the film quality, and that’s my initial take. There is some comedy involved to break up the story line, which is nice, and entertaining, including some interesting kung fu styles early on.

The kung fu is slick, and it is filled with comedy. The Drunken Master here is legendary, and possesses a sense of comedic timing and kung fu mastery, making this movie a funny one to watch. There are serious moments, but they aren’t prevalent throughout. There’s a lot of comedy in comparison to the king fu that ends up being the finale. You’ll find that the overall fun and demeanor of the film makes it a must watch. It has a balance of plot exchange and pacing that is really good, never slowing down or causing you to yawn. There is a balance between fights, training, comedy, and more, making this a standout epic of kung fu movies. I recommend it, and give it a 4 out of 5 rating.

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